Financial Aid at Independent Schools

Independent education can be a significant financial commitment, but financial aid can make it more affordable for many families. Each school has its own financial aid policies, determining who qualifies, the types of aid available, and how much assistance a family might receive. 

To assess eligibility, schools typically require an application along with financial statements. Financial aid officers evaluate these to calculate how much aid they can offer based on your family's financial situation.

There is no set income threshold that disqualifies a family from receiving aid. Instead, the financial aid office will review your income, assets, expenses, and any additional educational costs for other children. The financial need is determined as the difference between what a financial aid service estimates your family can afford and the total cost of tuition and fees.

If you're concerned about affording full tuition, even if your income is higher, it's worthwhile to apply for financial aid. Many schools consider a wide range of factors, and you could still be eligible for assistance.

Each school has its own financial aid schedule, and deadlines may vary. For more information please contact the individual school’s admissions office.