Why Families Choose Independent Education

You have a choice in your child’s education, even if you live in a great school district.

Unlike public and charter schools, independent schools are private, nonprofit schools governed by boards
of trustees. This gives schools the freedom to define their own mission and to design a quality curriculum that best meets that mission. Other key features include that financial support does not come from taxes or government allocations, but rather from tuition-paying families and charitable contributions. 

Independent schools work hard to create communities where students thrive, led by quality faculty members who teach kids they way they learn best and set academic standards consistent with the school’s mission.

A poll commissioned by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) found that

"Independent schools are seen as most different in offering a more personalized, customized education, and an environment that is civil and controlled. Small class sizes, individualized attention, values, manners, and discipline are the most particular factors describing differences perceived between public and independent schools."