Admissions Timeline

Fall (before the enrollment year)

  • Begin researching and listing schools that meet your child's needs.
  • Visit school websites and request admissions and financial aid materials.
  • Attend local school fairs if available.
  • Plan in-person visits and attend open houses.
  • Note admission and financial aid deadlines.
  • Register for required standardized tests and consider test preparation.
  • Schedule tours, interviews, class visits, and shadow days.
  • Finalize your list of schools.
  • Start applications and request teacher recommendations.


  • Attend any additional open houses or school events.
  • Request transcripts at the end of the first semester.
  • Complete applications, questionnaires, and financial aid forms by January or early February.
  • Ensure all test scores, references, and transcripts are submitted.
  • Visit schools or schedule shadow days if not done already.


  • Watch for admission decisions starting mid-March.
  • Review financial aid decisions around the same time.
  • Choose a school if accepted by multiple institutions.
  • Sign and return enrollment contracts and deposits.


  • Attend events and activities for new parents and students in preparation for the school year.

Additional Tips

  • Start the process the fall before the enrollment year.
  • Consider multiple schools as there may be more applicants than spots.
  • Use the time given after acceptance (usually two weeks) to make an informed decision.
  • Inform other schools promptly once a decision is made, as they may have waiting lists.
  • Returning the enrollment contract and tuition deposit confirms your child's place.
  • Check each school's specific procedures and timelines to stay on track.