Chaminade College Preparatory School

Chaminade College Preparatory School is an independent, Catholic day and resident school educating young men in grades 6-12 for success in college and throughout life. Chaminade’s mission is to educate students academically, morally, and socially with character formation in the Catholic Marianist tradition. Chaminade’s resident program offers 5-day and 7-day boarding for U.S. and international students currently from twenty different countries.
Chaminade's challenging curriculum is designed for students with above average to superior ability and includes over 110 college credit courses in Advanced Placement Program and/or Advanced College Credit. Chaminade's middle school curriculum is Pre-AP certified, including STEM programing through Project Lead the Way which continues through all high school grade levels. PLTW, along with our comprehensive curriculum, emphasizes the 21st century skills of complex critical thinking and real-world problem solving, collaboration, communication and creativity and innovation skills (the 4Cs) required for student success in school, life and the workplace.
However, Chaminade's greatest emphasis is on living out our school motto of ESTO VIR - "Be A Man." Chaminade’s Esto Vir journey focuses on transforming the entire young man to become a gentleman who has a keen sense of self-knowledge and integrity, respects every person as unique and individual, and possesses a genuine concern for global and local social justice issues. This foundation instinctively leads them to become the servant leaders that God calls each of them to be and to become the men that the world needs them to be. Much of this is accomplished through our House System which includes a formal mentoring program; this develops the leadership skills of every student and instills a genuine sense of family, brotherhood and community.
Chaminade offers over 40 clubs and activities, 70 teams in 17 varsity sports, an award-winning band program, and our leading drama and fine arts programs give our students the opportunity to explore and develop life-long interests, talents and passions. Chaminade College Prep places students into top-tier colleges year after year based not just on how well our students do academically, but on who they have become along the way. All Chaminade students complete community service as a component of their formation each year to create a greater awareness and appreciation of others and compassion for the poor and disenfranchised with Chaminade students performing over 25,000 community service hours annually. Over 50% of our families receive financial assistance.
Chaminade welcomes families of all faiths, as part of our great Marianist experience which asks us to embrace our communities and serve the world we are in. Family tours and student shadow visits are available most school days... come get a glimpse of how your son can begin his ESTO VIR journey and become the man the world needs him to be. Shadow visits and parent tours are being conducted for prospective students during the school day. Call 314-692-6650 to schedule. Also check out our upcoming events below.