Miriam High School

Miriam High School is an independent special education high school designed to empower unique learners in grades 9-12 through a community that meets the academic and social needs of its students. Students at Miriam are taught the skills necessary to engage with the post-secondary world through a development of self-advocacy and citizenship skills that allow for purposeful transitional planning. Successful transitional planning at Miriam High School is the result of intentional partnerships, experiences and interactions that begin as soon as students are enrolled. Students who succeed at Miriam demonstrate curiosity and the desire to learn, but struggle in typical classrooms where they may not fit the mold. Miriam High School celebrates and develops each student’s unique strengths while identifying, explaining, and supporting their challenges, which may include learning disabilities, attention deficits, speech/language challenges, autism spectrum disorder, or sensory-motor delays. Speech/language and occupational therapy services are integrated into the school day. Our personalized learning plans are created in partnership with teachers, therapists, and families and include goals in academic and social development tailored to each student. 

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