GRC's Summer Academies

Sessions June 10-July 19, 2024

Campers explore math, science, history, finance, ecology, creative expression and more in Gifted Resource Council's summer programming! With topics ranging from dinosaurs to Ghenghis Khan to stop motion animation, there's something to pique everyone's interest. Two-week sessions allow campers to dive deep into their chosen subject.

We challenge kids academically, but GRC is known for engaging children in hands-on collaborative activities and encouraging friendships. Physical activity and recess are part of every day’s schedule.

Lead instructors are all certified teachers who have significant experience with bright and gifted students. Students do not have to be in their schools’ gifted program to participate, but should be interested, curious learners. Our application process includes looking at standardized test scores (or a recent report card) and a teacher recommendation.

Registration opens January 3rd!
