Educators for Racial Justice Institute

Crossroads College Preparatory School
June 12-14, 8:30am-4:00pm

The Institute at Crossroads College Preparatory School is designed for white teachers and school leaders. During the institute, educators will build the necessary identity framework, capacities, and pedagogical mindsets necessary to help teach and lead a diverse student body. This institute is designed as an affinity space for white educators to develop an increased awareness and analysis of whiteness and its impact on them personally and professionally.

What is the rationale for this institute?

White educators play a role in the reproduction and the interruption of racism. Our personal and professional work around whiteness and white supremacy is vital to the creation of more just and equitable classrooms and schools and a more just and equitable region and world.

What will participants do?

Participants in this institute will:

  • Define a personal white, anti-racist stance for the work and their teaching and leading
  • practice.
  • Learn about white identity development and group norms that whiteness values.
  • Increase their capacity to address race and racism in their classrooms and leadership
  • contexts with tools to address content, instruction, and classroom/institutional culture.
  • Develop a community of practice, a network of ongoing resources, support, and accountability among those who attend.

Each day, participants will engage in whole group learning and debrief, small group reflection, and journaling activities.

  • The content of the whole group learning time is delivered in a workshop presentation style with opportunities for discussion and questions throughout.
  • Small group reflection provides participants with an opportunity to reflect on the learning and its application to their social justice stance and their practice as a teacher and leader.
  • Journaling provides participants with an opportunity to reflect and capture in-the-moment thoughts and insights.

Who Should Attend?

Teachers and leaders from across the region who identify as white and who seek to engage in racial equity work within and beyond their institutions should apply. Participants who have some previous anti-bias/anti-racism workshop experience will benefit most from this institute.
